Arguments that are given for evolution include theological as well as scientific arguments. The arguments I shall present against evolution,…
Read More »In 1858, on the eve of the publication of Charles Darwin’s book Origin of Species, the Queen of Prophets appeared…
Read More »December 5 is the feast of Blessed Nicolas Steno (born Niels Steensen), who is known as one of the fathers…
Read More »One of the wonderful things about the Kolbe apostolate has been the way that members of our leadership team have…
Read More »In 1749, the popular naturalist author Georges-Louis Leclerc, Count de Buffon, began publishing volumes of what was later collected together in his L'Histoire…
Read More »Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center, Glory to Jesus Christ! One of the most difficult things for most academically-educated Catholics to accept is the reality that the molecules-to-man evolution myth triumphed over God’s Genesis Revelation not through empirical evidence but through deceptive iconography. As explained in the article at this link the initial conversion of most Catholic intellectuals to faith…
Read More »Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center, Christ is Baptized! In the Jordan! A short time ago, one of our colleagues in Spain who defends the traditional Catholic doctrine of creation in his country interacted with a scientist who advises the Spanish Episcopal Conference. The scientist took our colleague to task for arguing that theistic evolution is not compatible with the…
Read More »Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center, Christ is born! Glorify Him! Nowadays it is widely asserted that defenders of the traditional Catholic doctrine of creation only accept Magisterial teachings that agree with their own views and reject more recent pronouncements that contradict earlier teachings. Since this accusation goes to the heart of the creation-evolution debate within the Catholic community, it…
Read More »Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center, Christ is born! Glorify Him! Two days before Christmas we celebrated the feast of St. John Cantius, the fifteenth century Polish priest and professor. One of the most famous miracles in the life of St. John Cantius is known as “The Miracle of the Jug.” The Miracle of the Jug In the words of…
Read More »Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center, Glory to Jesus Christ! Two weeks ago, on December 5, Holy Church celebrated the feast of Blessed Nicolas Steno who is known as one of the fathers of modern geology and paleontology. Nowadays, Catholic young people are often given the impression that faith in the traditional Catholic doctrine of creation and the literal historical…
Read More »Mr. Hugh Owen, Director The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation To whom it may concern, As a Byzantine Catholic, catechist and chastity educator, I would like to express the sincerest gratitude to Hugh Owen for his presentation on the Church’s teaching on special creation and would recommend him to speak for any other parish or group. His expertise on the teachings received from the Apostles through the Early Church Fathers is a gift to the people of faith the world over. As a Byzantine Catholic, I belong to a community that most feels the pain of the separation between the Eastern and Western “lungs” of our Church, as John Paul II called them. If we are to answer the call to Christian unity and the New Evangelization, it is imperative to approach our efforts with a mind toward ressourcement, a return to earlier sources, traditions and symbols of the early Church. The work that Hugh Owen is doing through the Kolbe Center for the Study on Creation is exactly what the Church Universal needs to answer our Lord’s prayer “that they may be one.” In the early liturgy, iconography, Holy Scriptures, and writings of the Church Fathers, we …
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