One of the greatest obstacles to the restoration of the Faith is the difficulty of identifying and eradicating the roots of the revolution against it. In his monumental work The Earthmovers, author James Redmond O’Hanlon exposes the roots of the revolution in the rejection of God’s Revelation regarding the position of the Earth in the universe and in the failure of the Church leadership to continue the courageous efforts of their predecessors to defend that Revelation, beginning as early as the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In spite of the widespread belief that heliocentrism was eventually “proven” by advances in astronomy, O’Hanlon shows that the champions of the heliocentric hypothesis have never provided proof beyond a reasonable doubt for their model of the solar system and that the Neo-Tychonic geocentric-geostatic model of the universe continues to explain all of the experimental and observational evidence better than any of the competing models. The Earthmovers shows that the failure of the Church leadership to defend God’s Word in regard to the Earth’s position in the cosmos as it had been understood in the Church from the beginning paved the way for the modernist revolution against the traditional faith and practice of the Church by exalting fallible human science above divine science, an error which the Angelic Doctor identifies as “the source of all heresy.”
579 pages.
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