Our World Created and Redeemed


By: Hugh Owen

Our World Created and Redeemed: A Family Treasury of Poems uses original poetry and holy icons to show some of the amazing parallels between the divine work of Creation and the divine work of Redemption.  We hope and pray that the words and holy images in this book will strengthen your faith that Our Lord Jesus Christ is not only the Redeemer but also the Creator of the world—and that, just as He perfectly completed the work of Redemption by dying on the Cross for us, so did He create a perfectly beautiful, complete and harmonious universe for us in the beginning. By calling this to mind, we can renew our faith in the traditional teaching of the Church that death, deformity and disease had no place in the “first perfection of the universe, ” but are the consequences of sin.  Through Holy Baptism and the other Sacraments, Our Risen Lord invites us to become new creations in Him so that we can become His “poems” (Ephesians 2:10), His living icons, in this world. This, in turn, should convince us that nothing in our life is unimportant. Every thought, word and action that we offer up to God in union with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary hastens the Triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart and the Social Reign of Christ Our King throughout the world.


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SKU: OWCAR-1 Category:
Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 6 × 9 × .5 in
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