With few exceptions, most Catholics alive today have grown up being told that the literal interpretation of the sacred history of Genesis is a protestant phenomenon that began in reaction to Darwinism about 100 years ago. The acquiescence of Catholic intellectuals in the face of such egregious claims stems mainly from the fact that the authoritative sources of Catholic doctrine in use up to (and well into) the twentieth century have been allowed to fall into oblivion, so that most Catholics have no idea what the Magisterium mandated to be taught in regard to the first eleven chapters of Genesis for the centuries prior to—and for a good fifty years after—the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species. Thanks to the herculean efforts of one man, Christopher De Vos, a high school teacher of economics and a devout lover of God and His Holy Church, from now on it will be easy for any Catholic to verify the authoritative teaching of the Church on the subjects addressed in the opening chapters of Genesis. Volume One in Mr. De Vos’s series of excerpts from the theological manuals and catechisms in use throughout the Catholic world—as well as his summaries of the unanimous teaching of the Doctors of the Church on the contents of Genesis 1-11—proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the constant teaching of the Church before and after Darwin never changed in regard to the age of the universe, the fiat creation of all things in six 24-hour days, and the geocentric structure of the cosmos.
Catholic Catechisms of the Late 19th and 20th Century Affirming the 1,900-year Church teaching on Creation – E-Book (PDF)
With few exceptions, most Catholics alive today have grown up being told that the literal interpretation of the sacred history of Genesis is a protestant phenomenon that began in reaction to Darwinism about 100 years ago. The acquiescence of Catholic intellectuals in the face of such egregious claims stems mainly from the fact that the authoritative sources of Catholic doctrine in use up to (and well into) the twentieth century have been allowed to fall into oblivion, so that most Catholics have no idea what the Magisterium mandated to be taught in regard to the first eleven chapters of Genesis for the centuries prior to—and for a good fifty years after—the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species. Thanks to the herculean efforts of one man, Christopher De Vos, a high school teacher of economics and a devout lover of God and His Holy Church, from now on it will be easy for any Catholic to verify the authoritative teaching of the Church on the subjects addressed in the opening chapters of Genesis. Volume One in Mr. De Vos's series of excerpts from the theological manuals and catechisms in use throughout the Catholic world—as well as his summaries of the unanimous teaching of the Doctors of the Church on the contents of Genesis 1-11—proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the constant teaching of the Church before and after Darwin never changed in regard to the age of the universe, the fiat creation of all things in six 24-hour days, and the geocentric structure of the cosmos.
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