A Catholic Assessment of Evolution Theory (E-Book – PDF) explains how the evolutionary claims commonly taught in high school and college textbooks are discredited in the scientific literature. The case is set forth that, based on permanent Catholic doctrine, it is impermissible to depart from the special creation of mankind and to embrace various types of theistic evolution. By the end of the book, the reader will see that the harmony of truth in the domains of science, theology, and philosophy all point to the acceptance of special creation to the exclusion of human evolution. The theological case set forth considers the unanimous teachings of the Church Fathers and Doctors, many Magisterial statements, and Catholic guidelines for interpreting Sacred Scripture. Given the devastating historical consequences of evolution theory, there is a moral obligation for Catholics to teach the full Church doctrine on creation and to help restore truth to the science classroom.
Author: John M. Wynne
Paperback: 307 pages plus appendices
Publisher: Restoring Truth Ministries, LLC (August 2011)
Language: EnglishAudience: Adult
ISBN-10: 069201330X
ISBN-13: 9780692013304