
Kolbe Report 9-8-18

Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,

Pax Christi!

We have just returned from a wonderful two-day retreat with priests and religious from three different dioceses in the Diocese of Arua, Uganda, on the Catholic Doctrine of Creation as the only firm foundation for a culture of life. One of the questions that arises again and again during our seminars concerns the safety of genetically modified food. Through our friends at Human Life Uganda and in the Ugandan Parliament, we have been able to expose the dangers of GMO agriculture so that the agents of agribusiness corporations have so far failed to get legislation enacted in Uganda to promote the production of GMO food. In the article GMO Food: Poisonous Fruit of Faith in Microbe-to-Man Evolution, you can read a short summary of some of the scientific evidence that we have been able to share with civil and ecclesiastical leaders, so that they can effectively oppose this abomination.

I will be headed to Ireland in a few days, and I would like to ask for your prayers that the message of the Kolbe Center will be well received by the Catholics we meet. (Our itinerary in Ireland and the UK can be found here.) In our publication Clergy Abuse: Cause and Cureoriginally published (miraculously!) by the Journal of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars in Canada a few years ago, we made the argument that the whole epidemic of abuse and cover-up has its roots in the introduction of evolution-based modernism into seminaries in Europe and North America in the 1930s and 40s. By teaching the future priests and bishops of Ireland that Genesis was a myth and that "science" had "enlightened" the Church and the world by revealing the "truth about the origins of man and the universe," modernist professors accomplished in two generations what three hundred years of brutal persecution had not been able to accomplish - the almost total destruction of the faith of the Irish people.


In God's Providence, I recently listened to an audio recording of an amazing book by an Irish priest, Monsignor George F. Dillon, entitled The War of Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization, in which this exceptionally learned priest set forth the history of freemasonry and its systematic campaign to undermine the foundations of Catholic civilization in Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with special attention to its efforts to use Irish nationalist sentiment to induce young men to join masonic societies. Monsignor Dillon shows that this particular effort of the freemasons failed in Ireland because of the vigorous response of the bishops and priests against anything that smacked of anti-Christianity. Since the book was published in 1885, however, Monsignor Dillon was unable to foresee that the freemasons would ultimately use the pseudoscience of evolution to finally penetrate the citadel of the Catholic seminaries in Ireland and destroy the foundations of the Faith.

That the god of theistic evolution is indeed the god of freemasonry is easy for anyone to see who studies the writings of freemasonry, as their "Grand Architect" of the universe is none other than the pantheistic deity of Teilhard de Chardin. Indeed, the god of freemasonry has nothing in common with the true, transcendent, almighty, all-wise and all-loving God of Christianity. Rather, the god of freemasonry is totally identified with the fallen world of death, deformity and struggle for existence, and its evolutive work of death and destruction is destined to culminate in a Luciferian New World Order which is none other than the reign of Antichrist. I encourage all readers of this newsletter to read or listen to Monsignor Dillon's text, to understand how patiently the satanic forces have worked to sap the foundations of Catholic civilization to produce the current global chaos. They will then also understand much better how opposed is the nature of the freemasonic, Teilhardian god of theistic evolution to the nature of the all-holy God of our Fathers - the Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier of the world.

With gratitude for your prayers and support and counting on them constantly, I am

Yours in Christ through the Immaculata,

Hugh Owen

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