
Kolbe Report 12-30-18

Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

The evolutionary mentality that has taken over the world affects all of us in so many ways that it is almost impossible for us to be aware of all of them. As Kolbe members all over the world share their insights, they often shed light on some of the less obvious ways in which the false evolutionary way of thinking harms the spiritual, intellectual, social and moral well-being of Catholics and non-Catholics alike. A high school teacher from Toronto, Canada, Kennedy Hall, recently shared his insights into the link between evolution and effeminacy in an essay just posted on the Kolbe website. He begins:

It is one of the ironies of modern times that the alleged "hard science" of molecules-to-man evolution has greatly contributed to an epidemic of "softness" and "effeminacy" even among the members of the Mystical Body of Christ. In many Catholic circles, a firm supernatural faith in God's Word as it has been believed from the beginning and "without which it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6) has been replaced by a soft, natural belief that rests as much on fallible human reasoning as it does on Divine Revelation. In this essay we will begin by examining some examples of this trend before exposing the missing link between evolution and effeminacy and exhorting our readers to cherish the supernatural gift of faith as the only firm foundation for a life of true holiness.

You can read the rest of Kennedy's essay on the Kolbe website here. As we enter the New Year, please pray that our videographer will be able to complete the editing of "Foundations Restored," our 16-part DVD series, by the end of March so that it will be ready for release by Holy Week.

On January 18, 2019, the annual March for Life will take place in Washington, D.C. If you are planning on attending the March for Life and would be able to arrange for me to give a talk to your group on "Fiat Creation: The Only Firm Foundation for a Culture of Life," please let me know. Also, if you would be willing to distribute our pamphlet on "Evolution and the Culture of Death," during the March, please let me know about that, too.

February 2, the Feast of the Presentation will mark the culmination an extremely important spiritual initiative called "Rosary to the Interior," which is described in detail on the website at this link. I encourage all of our readers to participate in this movement.

With gratitude for your past prayers and support, and looking forward to working with you for the Kingdom of God in 2019, I am

Yours in Christ through the Holy Theotokos,

Hugh Owen

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