Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,
Glory to Jesus Christ!
In this newsletter I would like to announce one of the most important books we have ever published, Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective by Pamela Acker. I will briefly explain why I believe this book is so important and why it should be placed in the hands of every Church leader, parent, and teacher in the world as soon as possible. Most readers of this newsletter know about the unprecedented global push for a COVID-19 vaccine and the growing support among government and corporate leaders for a global regime of mandatory vaccination. As reported on the website "Stand for Health Freedom":
Authorities now say the only way out is a vaccine for all along with 24/7 tracking and surveillance. Bill Gates, a tech billionaire who uses his wealth and status to influence policy, has gone on record saying that life will not return to normal untilwe can vaccinate the entire global population against COVID-19. Gates has also suggested that the coronavirus vaccine might become part of routine newborn immunizations. To that end, he is pushing for disease surveillance and a vaccine tracking system that might involve embedding vaccination records into our bodies through quantum dot technology.
According to Gates, "normal" may never return to those who refuse vaccination, as the digital vaccination certificate he is pushing for might ultimately be required to participate in society. This includes such things as finding or maintaining employment, renewing a driver's license, obtaining social services, or traveling domestically or abroad. Immunity certificates, microchipping, forced vaccination and the removal of children from their homes are just a few of the draconian measures being threatened in the wake of COVID-19.
In April, the Rockefeller Foundation released a white paper, "National COVID-19 Testing Action Plan - Strategic Steps to Reopen Our Workplaces and Our Communities," which calls for testing and tracing all Americans using a national database connected to other health records. The plan sets aside privacy concerns while requiring your immune status to be validated before entering schools, office buildings, places of work, airports, concerts, sport venues and much more. It also suggests that weekly immunity testing should be required as a requisite for entering society.
Mandatory medicine is bad policy, as it removes the right of individuals to opt out of vaccination and other medical interventions should they determine that those interventions are not in their (or their child's) best interest. Mandating liability-free products, including the impending coronavirus vaccine that will be developed and distributed at "warp speed," is not only bad policy, it's reckless. Congress acknowledges that vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe" in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Moreover, a fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine without any long-term safety data renders the men, women and children who receive the vaccine as a part of a mass human experiment, with the only real safety trials coming via the post-marketing surveillance of adverse effects; this goes against medical ethical principles and further demonstrates the need for full informed consent prior to vaccination. That's the only protocol that will enable people to decide whether they want to submit to an experimental vaccine with an unknown risk profile in order to avoid a virus with an estimated 99% or higher survival rate (emphasis in original).
What is lacking and has been lacking for a long time is a balanced examination of the whole subject of vaccination from a Catholic perspective which will allow Catholic leaders from the Pope and the Bishops down to parents and teachers to make an informed judgment on proposals to mandate vaccinations for the novel coronavirus or for other infectious diseases. The author of Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective, Pamela Acker, is ideally qualified to undertake this task. A devout Catholic with a master's degree in Biology from the Catholic University of America, Pamela worked in the field of vaccine development and has the right combination of knowledge and experience to evaluate the scientific basis for vaccination as currently practiced. In her book, Miss Acker takes the reader through the history of vaccination while giving a comprehensive introduction to the marvels of the divinely-designed human immune system.
Drawing upon the latest research in the field, Miss Acker elucidates the many problematic aspects of vaccination as currently practiced and explains how they flow out of a materialistic, mechanistic, evolution-based understanding of the human person which tends to see man as a collection of parts rather than as a divinely-designed body-soul composite. With powerful examples she shows how the evolution-based approach to the study of disease has had disastrous consequences for scientific and medical research and has supported the maintenance of inadequate criteria for evaluating the efficacy and the dangers of vaccination as currently practiced. Upon this foundation, Miss Acker provides the reader with the information he needs to make an informed decision about vaccination in general and about a vaccination for the novel coronavirus in particular.
We hope to have printed copies of Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective ready to be shipped by December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. We urge you to get a copy for your family, for your pastor, for your family physician, and for every teacher and parent in your sphere of influence, so that they can be well informed before the international pressure to accept a mandatory or "recommended" coronavirus vaccine makes a calm and objective evaluation of the pros and cons of the vaccine much more difficult.
With gratitude for all of your prayers and sacrifices, without which we would not have been able to support Pamela Acker in researching and writing this book, I am
Yours in Christ through the Immaculata in union with St. Joseph,
Hugh Owen
P.S. A number of our readers who have difficulty reading on a phone or on a computer have asked if we could record our newsletters in an audio format so that they could listen to them at their leisure. I am happy to report that we hope to begin making these newsletters available as audio files in the near future. I will let you know through the newsletter as soon as the audio files are available.