
Follow Those Footprints


Follow Those Footprints
by Michael Fishwick

Kerala is a state that lies on the southernmost tip of India, and stretches up along the coast of the Arabian Sea. It is separated from the rest of the sub-continent by the steep Western Ghats mountain range, and consists partly of a large amount of rainforest.

The first recorded inhabitants of Kerala are largely known from megalithic monuments and burial chambers. These are very similar in style to their counterparts found throughout Europe and in other parts of Asia. This similarity in cultural design indicates that the people who settled Kerala, at that time, were closely related to the peoples of Europe. Biblical history tells us that the Indo-European group of cultures and languages developed from the descendents of Noah's son, Japheth. The Kerala monuments are believed to pre-date their counterparts in the rest of Asia, being dated at around 1000 B.C. to 500 A.D. These early Keralan people lived in hill forts and their grave relics include iron tridents and daggers as well as artifacts made from stone and other natural materials. Unlike European settlements of the period, those in Kerala do not seem to have used bronze. The knowledge of these so called 'primitive' people, as evolutionists consider them, is likely to have been scientifically and medically advanced as revealed by the study of other ancient peoples and civilizations.

A team of local anthropologists found enormous human footprints embedded in rock earlier this year. The find, near a remote village about 40 miles from Palakkad, has caused quite a stir, even being reported in the 'Times of India'. It has unleashed a lot of talk and rumours of 'Bigfoot' type creatures, although the anthropologists have clearly described the prints as human. The prints measure an incredible 3 ft. in length, which has led to estimates of a height of 17 ft. for their owner. An earlier expedition, by a different team of anthropologists, found a large range of fossil prints from men estimated to be from 8-9 ft. tall to some of a similar stature of the individual who left the most recently discovered impressions.

Although such 'out of place' finds sound utterly incredible in our own day and age, and we should approach such matters with a certain amount of caution, they should not be dismissed out of hand. Holy Scripture records that giant-sized men did indeed exist before the Flood, and for some time afterwards. Biologically, we know that our first parents, Adam and Eve, would have possessed an enormous amount of genetic potential in their cells that has now been lost to us due to the effects of devolution. Our present potential for genetic variation is 'washed out' compared to what it must have been in the distant past. Some of the genes coding for 'giantism' must have remained by Noah's time because after the flood we hear about giant sized men, such as Goliath or King Og of Bashan. There are many sources of secular history that also speak of giants. For instance, ancient British chronicles, compiled by Celtic monks from various secular sources available at that time, trace not only the genealogy of European nations back to the Flood but also speak of races of giants encountered in the process of colonization.

What is really needed, of course, is the serious scientific study of such phenomena. Unfortunately, evolutionists refuse point blank to even consider the possibility of such evidence. The same is true of the Carbon 14 testing of coal, dinosaur bones and diamonds. Data that does not fit the conventional time-frame is ignored or derided. Fortunately, a growing amount of this evidence is being studied with scientific vigor by professional scientists who are not in the least intimidated by the evolutionary elite. 'Out of place' fossil footprints are now sectioned, CT scanned and investigated thoroughly. Dinosaur bones, diamonds, coal and other materials, even the sedimentary rock itself, are now tested for Carbon 14. C14 has a relatively short half-life, and should not exist in these materials if the evolutionary story is to be believed. But it does exist, and in some quantity.

Kolbe Center advisor, Hugh Miller, made an incredible discovery along the banks of the famous Paluxy river in Glen Rose, Texas, just last year. Working as part of a public excavation, organized by the Creation Evidences Museum, he uncovered an obviously human print belonging to a 6 or 7 ft. man. And this, underneath strata where dinosaur prints are commonly found. Many such finds have been made and documented over the years. But they will not be 'officially' accepted because men and dinosaurs are not supposed to have lived contemporaneously. A separation of hundreds of millions of years is essential for evolutionary theory. Giant-sized men are not supposed to have existed either, so we cannot expect finds such as these to be 'officially' investigated by the scientific establishment. Just ignored or ridiculed.

These unexpected and 'out of place' finds sound the death knell of the evolutionary grip upon people's lives. Evolution, and hopefully the ideas that spring from it, cannot survive when such facts become common knowledge. This is why committed evolutionists are so determined to ignore or deride these finds. For them, truth and scientific integrity take a poor second place to the religiously held doctrine of evolution.

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