
Darwin Undone By Geology

Darwin Undone By Geology
by Michael Fishwick

Sir Roderick Impey Murchison is a name that few are familiar with today. Yet during an illustrious career as a geologist he held senior positions in the Royal Society, which at that time was the world's most respected scientific society, and in the Geographical society. Indeed, the Murchison River in Australia and the Murchison Falls in Uganda are named after him, and it was Murchison who identified the Silurian system of the geologic column. It was also Murchison that predicted the discovery of Gold in Australia and he led a geographical survey of the Russian Empire at the invitation of Czar Nicholas.

A contemporary of Darwin, he owned an original edition copy of the Origin of Species that was sold at auction in June 2006. The Origin of Species caused quite a stir in its time, the effects of which we still live with today. Murchison's copy of the book is beginning to cause another stir amongst geologists and those interested in the history of scientific thought. For inside its pages are scribbled numerous notes and comments, many of them dismissive of Darwin as a credible scientist, and of his theory.

For instance, in the margins of one page where Darwin had been speculating that geological time was longer than previously thought - at the expense of the traditional understanding of Genesis - Murchison proclaimed, "No! No!". When Darwin prophesied that "he who rejects these views on the nature of the geological record, will rightly reject my whole theory", Murchison replies, "Good!". And an equally telling response is to be found scribbled next to the book's final paragraph. Darwin states: "...endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved". Roderick Impey Murchison replies candidly, "When and where?".

Charles Darwin's great fear that geology would utterly destroy his speculative General Theory has proven to be correct. Although conventional geologists are still reluctant to admit it because of the deep hold that evolutionism has over them, it is becoming more and more scientifically untenable to assign an immense age to the Earth. The assumed principles that geological interpretation has been built upon have been destroyed-falsified on many occasions by laboratory experiment and by field observation. An online video that explains how and why this is so can be accessed at - the DVD can be purchased from the Kolbe Center webstore.

Another area of geological research and study that is often cited in support of long ages for the Earth has also bitten back with a deadly bite against evolution. The Peak Oil crisis is constantly in the news, telling us that oil supplies have reached critically low levels and will run out in the foreseeable future.

Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas have always been cited in support of evolutionism because they were formed, it is said, by the gradual accumulation, burial and decay of immense deposits of rotting flora and fauna. Horizontal reservoirs formed from dead dinosaurs and vanquished vegetation in a process that has supposedly taken millions of years. This un-testable speculation has led to an unholy alliance between evolutionism and the multinational oil cartels. The two need each other to exist and to continue their stranglehold over the economic life and philosophical beliefs of much of the world.

Eugene Island 330 is a major oil reservoir in the Gulf of Mexico. Discovered in 1972, predictions for the decline of its estimated reserves have continually surprised scientific experts. The oil that is pumped out is largely replenished from an unknown source.

Similar observations led Russian researchers to formulate a new testable theory of oil formation. By 1951, what has been called the Modern Russian-Ukrainian Theory of Deep, Abiotic Petroleum Origins was born. In the next couple of decades the theory was validated through the vigorous quantitative work of chemists, physicists and thermodynamicists. For the last couple of decades, the theory has been accepted as established fact by virtually the entire scientific community of the former Soviet Union and backed up by literally thousands of published studies in prestigious, peer reviewed scientific journals. And, like Guy Berthault's vigorous work with sedimentation mechanics, for over fifty years the work of the Russian petroleum researchers has received scarcely a word of acknowledgement in the English language. As a rigorous analytic theory within the mainstream of the modern physical sciences, the East European theory differs fundamentally from the unobserved and un-testable evolutionary hypothesis of a biological origin of petroleum. The biological hypothesis requires that highly reduced hydrocarbon molecules of high free enthalpy and complexity (the constituents of crude oil) evolve spontaneously from highly oxidized biogenic molecules of low free enthalpy and complexity.

Beginning in 1964, Soviet scientists carried out extensive theoretical statistical thermodynamic analysis. Their research established explicitly that the hypothesis of evolution of hydrocarbon molecules (except methane) from biogenic molecules, in the temperature and pressure regime of the Earth's near-surface crust, was glaringly in violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. They also determined that the evolution of reduced hydrocarbon molecules requires pressures of magnitudes encountered at depths equal to the mantle of the Earth. In other words, by using a mathematical model based upon the modern Laws of Thermodynamics, it has been proven that oil cannot possibly form under the conditions postulated by the evolutionary biological matter hypothesis.

It has been experimentally proven that oil is created from inorganic compounds at extreme temperatures and pressures present only near the core of the Earth! Petroleum - the archetypal fossil fuel - did not form from the remains of dead animals and plants, but from minerals at extreme temperatures and pressures.

The research teams mimicked conditions of more than 100 kilometers below the Earth's surface by heating marble, iron oxide and water to around 1500 degrees C and 50,000 times atmospheric pressure. This produced methane, the main constituent of natural gas, and octane, the hydrocarbon molecule that makes petrol. Other experiments have produced a cocktail of alkanes - methane, hexane, octane and so on - that are constituent to natural oil.

The empirical data from decades of research that prove the mineral origin of oil and its by-products, have been used to determine exploration and production with great success in Russia and neighboring lands.

The Western geochemist community and the petroleum industry were unable to deny the validity of the research. They reluctantly acknowledged that oil can indeed be created from minerals, but incredibly, they state that this has nothing to do with the oil that is pumped for consumption by the West. This, they say, was formed millions of years ago from rotting biomass and is fast running out so the price had better continue to rise! Viva evolution!

(Most of the information in this article was culled from a paper by Kolbe advisor Dr. Robert Bennett which will appear on the Kolbe website in the near future.)

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