This page of the Kolbe Center website is dedicated to answering six questions about the interpretation of Genesis Chapters 1-11, questions which will also be answered by Fr. Nicanor Austriaco, O.P. and by Fr. Michal Chaberek, O.P. at this link. After each of us has posted his answers to the six questions, we will have a second round of responses during which each of us will have the opportunity to critique the interpretations proposed by the other two. Those responses will also be posted simultaneously on our respective websites.
Hugh Owen, Director
Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation
Feast of St. Alphonsus Liguori and the Holy Maccabean Martyrs
Question 1:
How do you think God created all the kinds of living organisms today? When did He create them?
Question 2:
How would you explain the fossil record that reveals that there have been living organisms created by God that existed for a time in the past but do not exist today?