The booklet “If You Believed Moses, You Would Believe Me” brilliantly illustrates the dilemma imposed on Catholics today: to seek knowledge of the origins of man and the universe through Divine Revelation and human reason, or through human reason alone. By providing a complete and well-documented synthesis of the main objections and observations against the molecules-to-man evolutionary hypothesis, this work will help Catholics—especially bishops, priests and seminarians—to free themselves from the illegitimate influence of conjectures in the natural sciences concerning the origins of man and the universe. – Dr. Jean de Pontcharra, Ph.D., Physics
Hugh Owen demonstrates that the widely accepted age of the earth and the universe is not only based on illegitimate extrapolations of assumed star motions or radioactive decay rates but also on a selective choice of only a few natural processes while this principle is not applied to many other phenomena in nature. This is even more serious because in these latter instances, the principle of extrapolation can indeed be applied justly and honestly, as these can be tested against an independent source of information – which is the book of Genesis. – Dr. Thomas Seiler, Ph.D., Physics
It is my great pleasure to enthusiastically endorse Mr. Hugh Owen’s brilliant work, which systematically exposes the false “science” underpinning molecules-to-man evolution. – Dr. Joseph A. Strada, Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering.
The booklet “If You Believed Moses, You Would Believe Me” brilliantly illustrates the dilemma imposed on Catholics today: to seek knowledge of the origins of man and the universe through Divine Revelation and human reason, or through human reason alone. By providing a complete and well- documented synthesis of the main objections and observations against the molecules-to-man evolutionary hypothesis, this work will help Catholics— especially bishops, priests and seminarians—to free themselves from the illegitimate influence of conjectures in the natural sciences concerning the origins of man and the universe.
It is extremely imprudent to modify true theology and sound philosophy to accommodate the speculations of unproven hypotheses. In modern times, this essential rule has unfortunately been forgotten by many Catholic scholars under the pressure of intense evolutionary propaganda. Theistic evolutionism entered Catholic seminaries and universities as early as the beginning of the XXth century with the book of Canon Henri de Dorlodot (1855-1929), geologist and theologian at Louvain University, Belgium, Le Darwinisme au point de vue de l’orthodoxie catholique (Bruxelles 1921), translated by Fr. Ernest C. Messenger with the title Evolution and Theology. The Problem of Man’s Origin (Macmillan, 1932). Since that time, in spite of several initiatives in defense of the traditional teaching of the Church, theistic evolution has gained the status of an unquestionable fact in the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and in most major Catholic universities.
As a physicist involved during the past 40 years in applied research, I am delighted to find in this booklet the latest surprising discoveries concerning soft tissue and carbon-14 content in fossils supposedly tens or hundreds of millions of years old. I hope that these unexpected findings will open the door to more multidisciplinary experiments and to a thorough examination of the evidence for and against the evolutionary hypothesis, as requested by Pope Pius XII in his encyclical Humani generis in 1950.
Jean de Pontcharra, Ph.D., Physics, France.
Our Lady of Lourdes
February 11, 2015
IMPRIMATUR: Bishop Cornelius K. arap Korir, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya.
Granted on the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, September 8, 2016, to the e-book version of
“If You Believed Moses You Would Believe Me” by Hugh Owen (Foreword by Dr. Jean de Pontcharra), which is identical to the text of the printed version.