Genesis According to the Saints


Author: Daniel M. Clough
Pages: 264 pages
Binding: Softcover


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SKU: GATTS1 Category:

This book was inspired by the Catena Aurea of St. Thomas Aquinas where he presented the Gospel commentaries of the Fathers of the Church in a systematic fashion. This work will follow a similar style to what St. Thomas presented, but it will focus exclusively on the first three chapters of the book of Genesis. It will not only draw from the Fathers but from other saints as well. The formatting style for the quotations was also inspired by The Teaching of the Church Fathers, by Fr. John Willis. It began first as my notes, and then it became the book that it is now, which can serve as a reference for others in their study of the first book of the Bible.

Many of the modern commentaries on Genesis deal with theories regarding the literary origins of the text, and oftentimes include brief explanations of the text, but these do no more than scratch the surface. I had a desire to go deeper into the mystery of creation, and I found many more interesting things that were said by the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. I compiled this book in order to make available to scholars and to everyone the great treasury of catholic tradition which has been drawn from many different sources.

The commentaries of the saints are drawn from in order to show forth examples of the living tradition in studies on sacred scripture. This living tradition is one of the principles laid down by Dei Verbum as being essential to a correct hermeneutic of interpretation. This principle was often repeated in papal teaching, most recently in the Apostolic Exhortation, Verbum Domini, of Benedict XVI.

As St. Caesarius of Arles says: “Now if our holy fathers of old with such great zeal and pious labor wrote innumerable volumes for the benefit of all the churches, how will we appear among them if we neglect to distribute to our children what we find has been compiled by them?” (Sermon 1:15)

My hope is that this book will aid in bringing about a renewal in biblical studies which relies more upon our Catholic Tradition and also brings with it refreshment of spirit. When we enter upon the task of studying the Bible, it is easy to treat it as an ordinary literary document on the natural level alone, but it must be treated as a supernatural work. The writings of the saints help us because they, by their holiness of life and their intellectual rigor, remind us that the deeper we go into the study of creation, the more mysterious it can become; hence the need to humble ourselves before such an awesome mystery. May we come to learn more and more, and gain a greater grasp upon the truths revealed by God in the book of Genesis as explained in the writings of the saints. Thus starting from the beginning of God’s revelation, may it lead us onward towards our last end, which is union with God in Heaven.

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1 in


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