Creation vs. Evolution


Booklet by Eric Bermingham, (55 pages, softcover).
Excellent short introduction to the origins debate from a Catholic perspective by an aerospace engineer and member of the Kolbe’s advisory council. The work has received an imprimatur and the nihil obstat.  The scientific, theological, and scriptural arguments against a godless Theory of Evolution and for the traditional Catholic perspective on the first chapters of Genesis are presented.

ISBN-10: 1588987582
Product Dimensions: 7.8 x 5.1 x 1 inches


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SKU: SKU-B-1 Category:

Booklet by Eric Bermingham,
Excellent short introduction to the origins debate from a Catholic perspective by an aerospace engineer and member of the Kolbe's advisory council. The work has received an imprimatur and the nihil obstat.  The scientific, theological, and scriptural arguments against a godless Theory of Evolution and for the traditional Catholic perspective on the first chapters of Genesis are presented.

ISBN-10: 1588987582
ISBN-13: 978-1588987587
UNSPSC Code: 55101500

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 8 × 5.2 × .2 in
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