Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,
Glory to Jesus Christ!
All of the Apostles, Fathers, Doctors, Popes and Council Fathers in their authoritative teaching held that God created everything for us in our first parents. Indeed, God created everything in six days to give us the pattern and rhythm of a happy, healthy, holy life, and He had no interest in creating stars, planets, plants or animals apart from us. All of the Fathers and Doctors knew this and would have considered the whole idea of long ages in which stars, planets, plants and animals existed without mankind totally bizarre. In the sacred history of Genesis Moses makes clear that stars, planets, plants and animals were created for man's sake, and while man is expected to be a good steward of God's creation, he is not subordinated to the Earth, to the cosmos, or to any other creature - only to God.
This understanding of creation has profound implications for our understanding of the Kingdom of God and of our role in extending God's Kingdom in our every-day lives. When we understand that God created everything for us - in view of the Incarnation and the Immaculate Conception - and that through the Original Sin Adam lost his original dominion over creation and became subject to satan, we can understand that Our Lord Jesus Christ, the last Adam, had to regain that original dominion for us by His Passion, death and Resurrection, and that through the Holy Spirit in the Church He empowers us to restore all things in Him, "taking back" dominion over all things for God.
As soon as we understand this truth, we come face to face with our responsibility to overthrow the kingdom of satan and to extend the Kingdom of God through every one of our thoughts, words and actions, not separating the "mundane" aspect of our life from the "spiritual" aspect in gnostic fashion. With this understanding, we can recognize that every time we make a purchase, for example, we are either extending or undermining the Kingdom of God. If we have a choice to purchase a commodity or a service from a faithful Catholic or from someone who promotes the anti-culture of death, and we choose to buy from the anti-Catholic vendor because his price is a little better or it is simply more convenient to purchase from him, we are undermining the Kingdom of God.
One of the many evil effects of embracing theistic evolution or progressive creation is that both of these errors condition children to believe that the Earth, stars, planets, plants and animals existed for anywhere from tens of millions to billions of years before the first humans evolved; and this error, in turn, conditions them to think of themselves as peripheral in the cosmic scheme of things, an afterthought in God's plan for the universe. Yet nothing could be further from the truth! From Genesis to Revelation, God's inerrant Word drives home the truth that we are the apple of His eye and the reason why - in view of the Incarnation and Immaculate Conception - everything else exists. To prepare the way of the Lord and to usher in the social reign of Jesus Christ, the Catholic faithful must work together to provide for the needs of the members of the Mystical Body of Christ. Only in this way can we "restore all things in Christ," things in heaven and things on earth (Ephesians 1:12).
Every baptized Catholic is called to "prepare the way of the Lord" and to help establish the social reign of Christ the King in his own society and throughout the world. Tragically, many traditional Catholic families invest the bulk of their resources in the anti-culture of death and in the kingdom of satan - especially, through their investments in education, commerce, communications, law and medicine. Muslims gain control of societies by working together, supporting each other's businesses and forming international networks that support other Muslims in every area of their lives. In this way, they effectively advance the anti-Gospel of Islam to the detriment of the Kingdom of God. Meanwhile, the true Gospel of Christ the King often remains buried in the ground or trampled underfoot. The time has come for us to re-consecrate ourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, pledging from now on by God's grace to build up the Kingdom of God through all of our thoughts, words, and actions, including all of our transactions, investments, and purchases, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant.
During the next few months, the Kolbe Center hopes to work together with other faithful Catholics all over the world to launch some initiatives that will help to keep the resources of the traditional Catholic community within the Family of God so that we contribute more effectively to the restoration of all things in Christ, especially in the realm of social media, education, law, and commerce. If you would be interested in learning more about these initiatives and possibly helping to bring them to fruition, please email me at
Yours in Christ through the Immaculata in union with St. Joseph,
Hugh Owen
P.S. Our good friend Franciscan hermit Fr. Maximilian Mary Dean has produced a video of a conference on the special creation of Adam that he gave at a seminar in Rome with members of the Kolbe Center several years ago. The video has been posted on the Kolbe Center website here.