
Kolbe Report 8/3/24

Theistic Evolution in Catholic Schools

Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,

Pax Christi!

We regularly receive letters and emails from readers all over the world, documenting the devastating influence of faith in the evolutionary mythology that is taught in most Catholic schools throughout the world.  On one occasion we received a report from the non-Catholic Christian parents of a young lady who was enrolled in a Catholic school in Kentucky.  The parents had chosen the Catholic school to avoid anti-Christian programming in the public schools, including training in meditation that opened the children to negative spiritual influences and psychological problems. To their dismay, however, the Catholic school taught their daughter that:

Adam and Eve are a group, not a couple . . . Abraham is the first historic human . . .  God made a mistake in creating man so he had a tantrum, like a toddler who throws down his toys, so he killed everyone but left Noah and his family; the Noah story isn’t real anyway . . . the Bible was passed down orally like a game of telephone/written long after the fact, so you can’t trust it.

The concerned mother met with her daughters’ teachers and confirmed that they taught these things.  She then did further research and discovered that the employees of the Archdiocese of Louisville get catechist credit for taking a Cosmology class at the Passionist Earth and Spirit Center.   This class teaches that we are “between stories.”  The “old story” relied too heavily on redemption.  The “new story” speaks of a Cosmic Jesus and says that it will take all the religions of the world to give “the full expression of Christ”:

The spiritual and the material, the moral and the physical, the mystical and the hormonal, and the religious and the pagan do not oppose each other but are part of one thing, one pattern, all infused by one and the same spirit, all drawn to the same end, with the same goodness and meaning. Simply put, the same force is responsible both for the law of gravity and the Sermon on the Mount and both are binding for the same reason (emphasis added).

When the concerned mother withdrew her daughter from her Catholic school, the other children could not believe that parents would withdraw their child from a school because it failed to teach that Adam and Eve were real people.  Apparently, the school had been quite successful in teaching the children the inadequacy of the “old story” of the creation of man and the universe.  According to the course on “living cosmology” at the Passionist Earth and Spirit Center:

The Old Story—the account of how the world came to be and how we fit into it—is not functioning properly, and we have not learned the New Story.

[The Old Story] did not make men good, it did not take away the pains and stupidities of life, or make for unfailing warmth in human association.

Today . . . our traditional story is nonfunctional in its larger social dimensions even though some persons believe it firmly and act according to its dictates  … Yet the dissolution of our institutions and our life programs continues.  We see this in every phase of our present society.

Aware of the nonfunctional aspects of the traditional program some persons have moved on into different modern programs…incapable of sustaining the life situation of the late twentieth century.  Other persons are returning to the earlier religious fundamentalism.  But this too is quickly seen as a sterile gesture.  Security is not there.

No Catholic theological seminary… has an adequate course on creation as it is experienced in these times…

With supreme confidence that the “religious fundamentalism” of all of the Fathers, Doctors, Popes and Council Fathers in their authoritative teaching has run its course, the Passionist Earth and Spirit Center assures its students that:

…the basic mood of the future might well be one of confidence in the continuing revelation that takes place in and through the earth.

Quoting Teilhard de Chardin, the Center foretells the day when man himself will bring evolution to its final fulfillment:

“The day will come when, after harnessing the ether, the winds, the tides, gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love.  And, on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire” (Teilhard de Chardin).

It should be apparent that this “new Christianity” after the pattern of Teilhard de Chardin abolishes the distinction between Creation and Providence, Grace and Nature, sacred and profane.  Identifying God with a fallen universe, it exposes itself as pure pantheism.  As such, it makes its god responsible for death, destruction, deformity, and disease, and destroys the faith of young Catholics in the perfect goodness of God and in the holiness and infallibility of His Word and of His Church.

Theistic evolution has rightly been called “the religion of antichrist” because it conditions its adherents to believe that the Faith handed down from the Apostles must evolve into a “new Christianity” in which “the religious and the pagan do not oppose each other but are part of one thing.”  We must decide now if we are going to sit back and allow our children and grandchildren to be turned into disciples of antichrist, or if we will work together by God’s grace to teach them the Truth and to expose and refute this deception.  Please pray about what you can do to make sure that the young Catholics in your area have at least one chance to hear a good defense of the true Catholic doctrine of creation, the foundation of our holy Faith.

Yours in Christ through the Immaculata, in union with St. Joseph,

Hugh Owen

P.S.  Today is a First Saturday. Please be sure to answer Our Lady’s appeal for the First Saturday devotions as described by the Fatima Center at this link.

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