
Kolbe Report 7/29/23

Combating the evolution-based New World Order

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Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,

Glory to Jesus Christ!

While most of the leaders of the so-called “developed” nations seem intent on creating an evolution-based New World Order, opposed to both divine and natural law, there are thankfully places in the world where civil and church leaders continue to promote “the good, the true, and the beautiful.” With the whole-hearted support of Bishop Joseph Oliach, his Chancellor Fr. Wazi Gonzaga, and the rest of the Soroti Diocesan leadership team, our co-workers Stephen Ogol and Isaac Enyamu have greatly expanded the work of the Kolbe Center in Uganda.

Stephen Ogol

Stephen Ogol with a Parish Priest During a Parish Mission

Stephen and Isaac have started a Creation Ambassadors Club for young people who want to take an active part in promoting the traditional Catholic doctrine of creation as the only firm foundation for a culture of life. Since the beginning of this year, they have established 59 Creation Ambassadors clubs in secondary and higher institutions of learning. They have also conducted 35 creation seminars, defending the traditional Catholic doctrine of creation as the foundation of the Faith and the only firm foundation for a culture of life. Their goal is to reach over 100,000 people through their programs before the end of the year.

It is noteworthy that almost all of the participants in these seminars testify to having been ignorant of the negative effects of evolutionism on faith and family before attending one of the seminars. By the grace of God, however, almost all of the attendees have responded to the knowledge Stephen and Isaac have shared with them by committing themselves to defending the true doctrine of creation and to building a culture of life, while rejecting attempts by foreign governments and agencies to impose evolution-based secular humanism and sexual immorality on their society. With the whole-hearted support of Bishop Joseph Oliach and his leadership team, Stephen and Isaac have also launched a six-month discipleship school in the Soroti Diocese where they will train a Gideon’s army of lay people to live, defend, and proclaim the Catholic Faith and the Gospel of Life on the foundation of the traditional doctrine of creation.

Isaac Enyamu at a Girls’ Secondary School

Tomorrow, Sunday, July 30, Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Eciru Oliach, the Ordinary for the Soroti Diocese, will commission twenty new Creation Ambassadors after a Holy Mass at the Emmaus Center in Katikamu, Uganda. He has also received a special invitation as the leader of the Creation Ambassadors from the office of the bishop of Soroti Catholic Diocese to be one of the three facilitators for three days of spiritual exercises for the major seminarians’ fraternity of the Soroti Diocese.

St. Mary’s Secondary School
Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Eciru Oliach, Bishop of Soroti Diocese

Together with Bishop Linus Wanok, Bishop Joseph has been one of the most faithful supporters of the work of the Kolbe Center in the Catholic hierarchy. When we released the DVD series “Foundations Restored,” Bishop Joseph was one of the first Bishops to recommend it, stating:

The presenters defend the traditional and authentic teachings on creation not by using their personal opinions, but by ably quoting from what has been preserved through centuries from the Church’s Magisterium and Holy Scripture. The presentation demonstrates how fervently and uninterruptedly the Church’s Magisterium has preserved the authentic doctrine of Creation while submitting to the superior and infallible deposit of Scripture.

I have no reason whatsoever to doubt the truths presented in this video series as regards our origins. It is not only ridiculous, but also nonsensical to imagine that the powerful species of humankind with all its intelligence could have evolved through some kind of “Special Transformism,” as this kind of thinking does a lot of injustice to the grandeur of the human person. It is only by acknowledging the fact that we were directly and immediately created by God, that we can preserve the sacredness of our human species who reflect the image of the Creator.

Later, Bishop Joseph gave the imprimatur to Dr. Cletus Fuhrmann’s Summa Contra Evolution which is being published simultaneously in Uganda and in the United States.

Creation Seminar for Priests at Emmaus Center

Legacy of the Holy Uganda Martyrs

Since the founding of the Kolbe Center twenty-three years ago, we have been all over the world, but we have not had as positive a reception from Bishops, priests, and lay leaders in any other nation as we have received in Uganda. We believe that this receptivity flows from an anointing upon the Church in Uganda as a legacy of the Holy Uganda Martyrs who received the seed of the Faith from the last generation of missionaries whose own formation was free from any taint of modernism. These holy missionaries taught the first generation of Ugandan Catholics the dogma of creation as it was set forth in the Catechism of the Council of Trent. The new converts learned that God had specially created one man for one woman for life from the beginning of creation and that this was God’s unchangeable plan for Holy Marriage.

St. Charles Lwanga (1860-1886)

St. Charles Lwanga and the other principal leaders of the new Catholic community lived and worked in the court of the Kabaka, or King, of the Kingdom of Buganda—which developed into the modern nation of Uganda. In the royal court, the king practiced polygamy on an enormous scale, and his hundreds of wives frequently attempted to lead the young men of the court into sin. Muslim traders from Zanzibar had not only reinforced the practice of polygamy but had also introduced homosexual vice into the kingdom, a vice to which the Kabaka himself became addicted and which he used his royal authority to compel the young men of the court to engage in. In these circumstances, the new Catholics bore witness to the truth that any use of the gift of sexuality outside of Holy Marriage between one man and one woman for life was a grave sin and a sacrilege; and it was their fidelity to this teaching that led to their persecution and martyrdom on account of their resistance to the King’s perverse demands.

Through the prayers of the Mother of God and of the Holy Uganda Martyrs, may the Holy Ghost make Uganda a light to the nations and restore the true Catholic doctrine of creation as the foundation of the Faith and the only firm foundation for a culture of life!

Yours in Christ through the Holy Theotokos in union with St. Joseph,

Hugh Owen

P.S. On our first visit to Uganda, we were inspired to write and produce a play on the Holy Uganda Martyrs with the help of local teachers and students. If you have never seen it and would like to do so, you can view it at this link.

P.P.S. In the midst of the current worldwide diabolical disorientation, the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Holy Shroud of Turin reconnects us with Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, with our first father, St. Adam, and with Our Heavenly Father, because, as Our Lord said to St. Philip, "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." Our Lord revealed to the French Carmelite Sister Mary of St. Peter that the Devotion to the Holy Face would be an antidote to the blasphemies of revolutionary men. Please consider purchasing a Holy Face flag at this link and displaying it on your front door or in another prominent place outside your home.

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