Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,
Glory to Jesus Christ!
One of the most difficult things for most academically-educated Catholics to accept is the reality that the molecules-to-man evolution myth triumphed over God’s Genesis Revelation not through empirical evidence but through deceptive iconography. As explained in the article at this link the initial conversion of most Catholic intellectuals to faith in microbe-to-man evolution was achieved primarily by the skillful use of Ernst Haeckel’s fraudulent icon of so-called “embryonic recapitulation,” cited by polymath Fr. John Augustine Zahm at Notre Dame University as early as the end of the nineteenth century as strong evidence for the descent of man from a one-celled organism through a natural process of evolution. Indeed, as late as the centenary of Darwin’s publication of Origin of Species in 1959, this fraudulent icon was cited as “the most striking proof” for biological evolution by the world’s leading atheist evolutionist scientist, Sir Julian Huxley. Even today, when the fraud has been thoroughly exposed for decades, many biology textbooks continue to indoctrinate students into this bogus “proof” for the microbe-to-man mythology.
The second most powerful icon that has been used to convince generations of Catholic intellectuals of the truth of evolutionary mythology is the all-too-familiar icon of an ape turning into a human being. As John Wynne has demonstrated in “The Fall of Darwin’s Last Icon,” this icon, too, has been totally debunked in the scientific literature, but it continues to serve as a powerful tool for indoctrination into evolution-based secular humanism and theistic evolutionism. The bogus icon of human evolution has been incorporated into the biology curriculum in most Catholic schools and universities all over the world, but what is worse is the way that it has become embedded in the contemporary anti-culture, so that most children are bombarded with the blasphemous ape-to-man iconography tens of thousands of times before they have even learned to read. Meanwhile, most Catholic children rarely see accurate Catholic iconography of the creation of man and the universe. Instead, they are told that the ape to man icon represents reality, and that God somehow infused a human soul into the womb of two or more evolved-sub-human primates. To put an end to this diabolical disorientation we must replace the false icons of evolution with the true sacred iconography of creation, and we must do everything in our power to ensure that our children are protected from evolutionary icons and surrounded with the Church’s sacred iconography.
The Rooster and the Sunrise
The Kolbe Center is committed to doing everything in our power to contribute to the restoration of sacred iconography regarding the origins of man and the universe, and we are delighted to announce that one of the members of our leadership team, Mrs. Ani Slattery, with the steadfast help and support of her husband Nathaniel, has produced a beautiful children’s book that will allow you to replace the blasphemous icons of evolution with the true icons of creation while entertaining your children with a delightful story about a rooster entitled The Rooster and the Sunrise. Told in verse, the story is accompanied by the magnificent drawings of an exceptionally gifted Portuguese artist by the name of Emily Lapa. Emily not only brings the rooster, his adoring hens, and the surrounding countryside to life. In her illustrations to accompany the hens’ account of the six days of creation, she also shows the glorious condition of our first parents, St. Adam and St. Eve, when they came forth from God’s hands in the beginning. This truthful icon of our first parents gives the lie to the diabolical deception of human evolution which holds that the first human beings were “primitive” beings who “fell up” into consciousness when they received a human soul into the body of an evolved subhuman primate. Emily’s true iconography teaches the children the truth that we have not “evolved” into a state of intellectual, physical, and moral superiority to our first parents. Rather, we have “devolved” from the glorious condition of our first parents when they came forth from God’s hands at the beginning of creation.
A Place Outside of Time’s Required To Know When Time Began
The Rooster and the Sunrise begins with a short introduction in verse which I would like to reproduce here, as an encouragement to all of our readers to avail yourselves of this book and to share it with the children in your lives.
Dear Reader, be you great or small,
Before this small book you begin,
It may be helpful to recall
A few truths of your origin.
Good fathers tell their children where
Their family stands in time and space,
The story of their ancestors
and how they came to their home place.
Our Heavenly Father likewise told
Us when He made all things and placed
the Earth at the center of the world
that we might know how weʼve been graced.
Indeed, to know when time began
And when and how the world was made
A place outside of timeʼs required.
To know whatʼs moving and whatʼs still
Within the world, a place outside
the universe must be acquired.
Thus, God alone can qualify
To tell us when and where we stand
Within the world He made for us
With so much love by His command.
A stranger who informed a child
His truthful father had been wrong
about his family history
would not be a welcome guest for long.
Yet is it not extremely strange
That what God and His Church have taught
About our place in time and space
So many men have set at naught?
So let us read this book with joy
With hen and rooster now renew
Our faith in what God has revealed
And share that faith with others, too.

Beauty Without Truth Is Not True Beauty
Faith in the traditional doctrine of creation and beautiful art and architecture have gone hand in hand from the time of the Apostles within the Eastern and Latin traditions of the Church. In the East, the church is seen as a microcosm of the created universe, and this is often reflected in beautiful blue ceilings decorated with stars. In that context, the offering of the Holy Sacrifice restores the universe back to the beauty that it had in the beginning, when it came forth from God, before sin entered the world. And in that context, all of the beautiful forms in nature correspond to the logoi, the perfect ideas in the mind of God, which He instantiated in material forms to beautify the world and to serve mankind. Theistic evolutionism violently contradicts this traditional God-honoring creation theology by asserting that the god of evolution deliberately used hundreds of millions of years of death, deformity, and disease to produce the human beings that he wanted to create in the first place. Little wonder that the widespread acceptance of theistic evolution has led to a global plague of ugliness in liturgical music, art and architecture.
But do not think for a moment that recreating the beauty created by the faithful who believed, without believing as they did, will provide even a partial solution to the current crisis of faith. I recently heard the true, heart-breaking account of a brilliant Orthodox Christian musician in a faraway place whose child was raised in an Orthodox home, attending magnificent liturgical services, in a magnificent architectural setting, week after week. But this gifted man and his wife believed in theistic evolution and raised their offspring in that belief, so that while the child grew up in surroundings that reflected the faith of men and women who would have died for the truth of the sacred history of Genesis, their child grew up believing that, beginning with the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, their imaginary god had transformed non-living matter into the first human beings via microbe-to-man evolution.
When one of their children was not even a teenager, the parents allowed the child to have a cell phone. Before long, the child joined a chat group where gender-confused children and teenagers encouraged each other to mutilate themselves to correspond with their desire to be transgendered. By the time the parents discovered what had happened, their daughter was determined to be treated as a boy and to obtain hormonal treatments that would allow her to “become” what she desired to be. This tragedy underscores the brutal reality that all the beauty in the world will not save us without the truth. I have no doubt that if those poor parents had taught their daughter the truth about creation, she would have been protected from the diabolical transgender deception. Only supernatural faith provides the foundation for supernatural hope and charity.
Recently, I received a letter from a pro-lifer who is in prison for trying to persuade women not to kill their babies. I had written to him last year, to thank him for his witness and to ask for his prayers for the Kolbe Center as we strive to eradicate the philosophical and pseudo-scientific roots of the anti-culture of death and to restore the theological foundation for a culture of life. He hopes to be pardoned by President Trump, but he and his colleagues want to martial support for an end to the legal persecution of peaceful pro-lifers as explained on the website at this link. I would like to ask if any of our readers would be willing to help us to distribute their flyers as well as the Kolbe Center’s flyers on “Evolution and the Culture of Death” and “DNA, Fairy Tales, and Chance” at the March for Life on Friday, January 24. If you would be willing and able to help, please contact me at as soon as possible.
Our Lady of Champion
Readers of this newsletter know of the profound link between the only Church-approved apparition of our Blessed Mother in the history of the United States and the mission of the Kolbe Center to proclaim and defend the true Catholic doctrine of creation as the foundation of our Faith and as the only firm foundation for a culture of life. Thus, it is fitting that Patrick O’Hearn, the author of a most edifying book for children about Our Lady of Champion, entitled Go and Fear Nothing: The Story of Our Lady of Champion, has recommended the Rooster and the Sunrise in glowing terms. He writes:
The Rooster and the Sunrise intertwines the lessons of creation and virtue in one beautifully written and beautifully illustrated book. Readers will be captivated by this story and draw near to God, the Author of creation.
Patrick O'Hearn, author of Go and Fear Nothing: The Story of Our Lady of Champion
Through the prayers of Our Lady of Champion, of St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, and of all the Saints, may the Holy Ghost deliver us from all evil and error and lead us into all the Truth! Amen.
In Domino,
Hugh Owen
P.S. The 2025 Kolbe leadership retreat will take place at the Catholic Conference Center in Hickory, North Carolina, from July 31 to August 6. The retreat will equip attendees to defend and promote the traditional Catholic doctrine of creation in their spheres of influence as the foundation of our Faith and as the only firm foundation for a culture of life. For more information and to register for the retreat, please contact Hugh Owen at
P.P.S. A group of traditional Catholic leaders of apostolates has launched the Christ the King Service Network to provide a place where faithful Catholics can seek, find, and provide the goods and services they need, without relying on God-hating businesses. The Network is also developing a mentorship program so that young men can learn various trades through apprenticeship without having to go through God-less university programs or trade schools. If you would be interested in participating in the Network, here is a link: