I wasn't raised Catholic and viewed the Catholic Church and the notion of God and submission to the Church as any other atheist: an authoritarian, intrusive obstacle to my liberty. Raised in public school, this notion was rooted deeper throughout the years in my soul. Convinced, in my feminist pride, I even went and took a 4-year B.Sc. (called a licentiate) in Biochemistry, and was ready to use it against religion. Besides, I was close to satanism. I hated the Catholic Church. Contrast this with the fact that all this happened in Portugal, a land of Catholic roots. Nowadays most young people are atheist or at best indifferent. In Portugal, there are only two options: either you're Catholic or you're an atheist. I know very well what atheists mean when they say that "God did it" doesn't explain anything. When reason doesn't work, that's what you get - they have no clue who God is. Nor does it matter to them, because they are only interested in pleasures. Having always had an attraction for philosophy, I began to thirst for truth and realized that even though Catholicism was all around me, my family and some friends were Catholic, my country was historically Catholic - I didn't know anything about the Catholic religion. So I gave it a chance, and decided to learn about it. . . One day I decided to go to the Traditional Latin Mass and realized that I was in the right place - and from then, I went to Holy Mass all the time, was catechized, made my Confessions and First Holy Communion, an Ignatian Retreat - and boom! Set to go! Behold, a Catholic! From the very first moment I knew that Evolution was pure atheism and materialism and had no problem giving it all the disdain it deserves. It's an insult to reason and science. God is the glory of reason, God is our glory. The Catholic Faith gives freedom and power to reason, and a wisdom almost infinite, unknown to the worldly. The Catholic Faith is truly the beginning of the Beatific Vision. I have no hesitation whatsoever in accepting the literal understanding of Genesis. And I thank the Kolbe Center for confirming me in my Faith . . .